Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Baby Sparks is in position!

Here I am ushering in April, exhausted, but excited! I guess I could ramble on about a few things, but I will cut straight to the interesting news :)

We went to see my midwife this morning for my 34 week appointment. She started to feel my belly and she couldn't really figure out where he was. I wasn't worried for a minute because this child kicks me so hard it scares the heck out of me. She found his heartbeat but decided to go get the ultrasound machine anyhow since she needed to figure out what position he was in. I have felt kicks and punches on my sides so I really had no idea. She got the ultrasound machine hooked up and found that he was in perfect position. In fact, his head was so "engaged" (far down in my pelvis) she couldn't feel his head. So, her conclusion is that he could easily be here at 37 weeks, but of course, God gets to choose his birthday. My midwife went on to conclude by saying "I hope you have your bags packed!" What?! A year ago I had resolved that I would never have a baby!

I have been getting almost no sleep at night. Truett doesn't like to sleep at night and he will kick so hard that it hurts...bad. I have been battling this since the day I got pregnant! I lay in bed for hours just thinking because I can't sleep :/. Then of course there are the bi hourly potty breaks whether I fall asleep or not. I'm just reminding myself how long I waited for this and how soon he will be here!

Of course I am going through this mini identity crisis where I'm petrified that I will instantly become an old hag the minute he comes out of me. Before he is born I am getting my hair highlighted and a trim, just as my last hoorah I guess :) I've figured out a few ways to get my hair done quickly so I can look decent and not take a huge chunk out of my day. I'm more than likely giving up getting my nails done, but my monthly pedicures will live on!...maybe...

Dave and I are so excited about our future. With every scary and exciting thing that pops up, we are only binding closer. There's just nothing like having that third cord in Jesus Christ.

Blessed beyond measure.

Elizabeth Rose :)