Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Pressing Toward the Mark

As most of you know, the Lord has called Dave and I to minister in Kit Carson, Colorado. Over the past 3 weeks, Dave and I have been selling nearly all of our things. Our taurus is going to be full, and we are not leaving much behind at all. We are on the second week of a massive garage sale. We have tons of furniture, clothes, a fridge and worst of all...our truck. We have been praying HARD that the right person will comes along and buy it. We have had several people come along and look at it or ask about it.

It's so difficult to trust the Lord, especially when we are stuck in these in between times. Speaking of trusting in the Lord...Dave and I had an appointment in Traverse City today with my OB/GYN. Over the past several years, I have suspected that I would have trouble having children. My doctor was quite surprised at what I told him about my health, and that was even more concerning to me. For me, I have felt that my calling in life revolves around Christ and his will. The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away...that includes fertility. I have decided that I would like to be very open about my experience. I do not want to seem as if my life is an open book, but rather use our experience on this journey as a testimony to others. I will write more about our experience on my other blog.

Please keep us in your prayers as we press toward the mark on the map! Rocky mountain high Colorado! 

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Terrific Twos!....Right?

Last night we celebrated Jaxon's 2nd birthday. Although his birthday isn't until October 4th, due to our custody arrangement with their mom we won't have him then. I feel like I'm in a relationship with a dude named Thomas. I have never seen so many Thomas trains. I don't think a little boy could have a better day! Over the last few weeks, not only has he starting wearing big boy underwear, he has been learning a lot of new words. Here are a few we've been enjoying:

-Screaming "Pinocchio!" in the yard, in his crib when he doesn't want to go to sleep, sometimes for no reason at all.

-Saying "I don't wanna go to bed!" sometimes when he just woke's just when he hears us say 'bed' or 'sleep'

-Since he has been potty trained and wearing "Thomas" underwear, we have been telling him he can't go poop or pee pee in "Tom". So now he has been saying "PEE PEE TOM!"

- Says "Mommy" for "Molly"

-LOVES running around in the nude. (we dress him as soon as we can get our hands on him lol)

-Our little lady has been doing great as well. Lately she has been helping put away laundry, and she knows where all of it goes!

Although we know the twos are going to be rough, I feel like there's going to be just as much fun and excitement! For now, we are packing up the car and taking them back to their mom this morning. Although life has been overbearing and overwhelming the past month, we have survived with minimal damage done. It's all in the way we handle it, and who we turn to for help. :)